Digital Asset Management for all your ProcessWire media

Media Manager

Media Manager is a rich and powerful ajax-driven commercial ProcessWire module that enables website editors to reuse media across their sites as many times as they wish from a single, central Media Library. Searching your Media Library is a cinch, allowing editors to quickly search for media by simply specifying any of their properties (name, title, image tag, description, etc.). Media can be selected, single or in bulk, and various actions applied to them - publish, unpublish, lock, trash or delete, all in a unified user-friendly interface.

The Media Library consists of an AJAX-driven grid of matched media presented as thumbnails that you can also be selected and added to any of your ProcessWire pages, thanks to Fieldtype and Inputfield Media Manager. All media (except for documents) can be previewed before or after uploading to the Media Library, minimising chances of uploading/inserting into a page, the 'wrong' media.

Adding media to your Media Library is quite easy. The easiest way is by directly uploading media using the module's uploads widget. Alternatively, media previously uploaded to the server (e.g. via FTP) can be scanned into the Media Library. Image media can be manipulated as any other media, i.e. cropping and resizing. Via the (free) third-party module JqueryFileUpload by the same developer, Media Manager allows for client-size-image resizing. This means no more unwanted giant-sized images!

With Media Manager you can quickly and easily see usage statistics of your media across your website pages. The plugin comes with a number of permissions that allow for fine-grained access-control of your Media Library. This and other features ensure that Media Manager will fit into your workflow no matter the size and experience of your web-editing staff.



An overview of the changes between Media Manager versions can be found here.